Stone Knives and Bear Skins. H e l l o ! W e l c o m e T o O u r W o r l d ! Click Here For Shoot'em UP PubicHair HorseRace Stone Knives and Bearskins I am endeavoring, Madam, to construct a mnemonic memory circuit using stone knives and bearskins. -- Mr. Spock to Edith Keeler
Stone knives and bearskins | Define Stone knives and bearskins at. stone knives and bearskins definition (From the Star Trek Classic episode "The City on the Edge of Forever") A term traditionally used to describe (and deprecate. stone knives and bearskins [from the Star Trek Classic episode The City on the Edge of Forever ] A term traditionally used to describe (and deprecate)
stone knives and bearskins: Information from
Stone Knives and Bearskins
Stone Knives and Bear Skins
In the Star Trek episode, “City on the edge of Forever”, the character Mr. Spock makes the comment “I am endeavoring, Madam, to construct a mnemonic.
Stone knives and bearskins | Therapist On The Web
stone knives and bearskins "Star Trek" The City on the Edge of Forever (1967) - Memorable quotes